Friday, December 16, 2011

YOU can reach Indonesia without even going there!

Hello everyone!
It's been a few weeks since we've posted, but we'll get better about posting more frequently. Life with a little one gives us little time to sit, think, and reflect...well in blog style. We sent out Christmas cards this week, so if you want one and didn't get one, let us know! :)

 There's been some confusion about whether we're in Indonesia right now or the time frame for that. We are going to add a FAQ section to the blog and as we get great questions, we'll add info there so that everyone can benefit from the great questions we are getting.

We are not in Indonesia YET, but we are raising a team of ministry partners (both prayer warriors and financial partners) to help us get to Indonesia. Back this summer Eric left his work so that we can spend our time full-time on ministry partnership. As missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship, we need to raise our full support goals ($7200 monthly support and a large amount in outgoing expenses) before going overseas. It seems like a lot, but we can give you a breakdown of the costs if you'd like later. That amount is not straight salary, it covers a lot of things including medical, housing, schooling....etc. We are hoping to raise the full amount and be in Indonesia by January 2013!

(Remember this photo? It was taken this summer when we found out we are heading to Indonesia! Jenna was super small then!)

Team Players
1 Corinthians 12:27 ,"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

The need in Indonesia is great! While the Lord has blessed us with the skills and desire to serve the people of Indonesia, we need your help to get there. Is God calling you to be a part of this team? We are merely one part of the body of Christ, it takes others who answer the call to be the other parts of the body to help the Lord move in Indonesia. There are many ways to join this ministry. Check out the tabs above (Partner though giving, Partner in prayer and Other ways to partner)to see where you might fit in this vitally important ministry.

Why this ministry is important-flooding edition

This past year there has been a tremendous amount of rainfall in Papua, Indonesia that has caused landslides to take out entire gardens. This means that people are without a food source because once they replant, it takes a while for those plants to grow. MAF has been actively involved in flying food and relief supplies in and out of the region. This means people that would not get food otherwise, are able to have food. How scary would that be, watching...waiting...for a plane to arrive so that you could have food for your family. They can't just go out to the store to get tons of pre-made items, nearly everything has to be done by hand. If there are no supplies to make things by hand, it can get bad quick. There are only so many flights that can happen daily and so many flight hours the pilots can safely fly. Which is why more planes and more pilots are needed in Indonesia. Flights are being turned away all the time because there are a lot of needs.

This is one reason why this ministry is SO important. We need people on our team with a heart for reaching others with the Gospel of Christ. Without you, this ministry cannot happen. We ask that you take a moment to stop...pray...and ask the Lord whether he would want you to be a part of this life changing ministry. You don't have to go to Indonesia, to make a HUGE impact on the people there. By joining our team through prayer, financial or other methods, you will be impacting those that MAF serves.

Isn't that amazing? God's reach is THAT big. Remember the song, "He's got the whole world in His hands"? It's true. God cannot be contained. He CREATED the universe. He CREATED us. He just wants to see us come to Him and be obedient to His calling. How will you be obedient to His calling in your life today?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Help change lives for less than $1 a day!

December is known as a season of giving. We give presents, cookies and good cheer. What if we gave a gift that could literally impact countless of lives? This December we are inviting you to join with us in the ministry of Mission Aviation Fellowship to Indonesia. We want to invite you to look into your daily lives to change one daily purchase and to give those funds towards ministry.

One example is a cup of coffee. Just giving up one specialty drink a week and choosing to have coffee at home saves approximately $5 a week, which means $20 a month could go towards ministry! Amazing! We know through giving ourselves that God often blesses us and teaches us more than we thought. We invite you to pray and to be open to God's leading and give according to that. No amount is too big or small if it's coming from a heart that longs to serve the Lord.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If you'd like more information about our ministry please contact us at: or call Eric at the number on the flier. We invite you to check out MAF's Indonesia program websites for Kalimantan: and Papua: You can also check out this video on Youtube to see how Papua, Indonesia has been impacted by MAF and partnering missions.