Sunday, October 17, 2010

Looking Forward...

Soon, yes very soon our newsletter will come out. It's been quite a while since we've sent one out and I bet some of you are wondering what we've been up to and what our future plans are! Well we are still prayerfully headed towards joining MAF and becoming missionary aviators.

The past month or so we've been focusing on learning how to be parents to our little girl Jenna. We're now starting to learn how to multi-task while doing that. It's definitely a process and we are thankful for the people at Servant Wings for giving us the heads up to move our tech eval date so we can transition more smoothly. Our MAF tech eval is in April 2011. So it gives us plenty of time to figure out how to multi-task as parents, get more involved at church, and for Eric to continue his flight programs.

In our next newsletter we hope to give you a glimpse of our life right now and show you where we feel called to be in the future. We hope to show you how what Eric hopes to learn as a CFI can be utilized on the field and give you an opportunity to be part of that ministry. We hope to also explain more about Kristine's future varied role as a missionary wife and give you more information on countries that MAF serves in. In order for us to continue on this journey it's definitely important to have support and people that come alongside us to help support the mission. Because without people back home supporting those on the field, the work doesn't happen. Everyone is connected. :)

For now, we just wanted to post a quick update to let you know to really expect the newsletter sometime at the end of this month or in November. If you have any questions for us regarding our lives or our goals as missionary aviators please feel free to e-mail us at

Eric, Kristine and Jenna Reed :)

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