Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tis the season for job hunting...

Yes...tis the be hunting for a job! This is around the time that school's get more money for extra helpers, stores start to hire seasonal help and other work places begin to wonder if an extra body would help them get their work done faster.

I (Kristine) have tried to be extra diligent in applying for jobs. This past week I think I had three interviews and one orientation (first stage before interview). One of the jobs was for an educational assistant, one for a bank, one for a tutoring service and an orientation for an online English language job. It's funny how everyone happens at once sometimes for the good and bad in our life. Do I know if anything is to come from these interviews? I don't. All I can do is pray and hope that God has something special out there for me picked out and that I find it. :)

As I was thinking about this and about various things that have happened the past couple of months I started thinking more about prayer. In the past when bad things happened I'd get angry and upset at God for not having things go my way. When really I should have been praying and hoping for things to go HIS way. Today I stumbled upon this devotional on the Elisabeth Elliott site. It talks about how sometimes God's answer is NO, to bless us with something we couldn't have even imagined. I encourage you to take time out to read it.


Title: Lost and Found

Author: Elisabeth Elliot

Here is a little story about a simple answer to prayer. Lars was away. I had to take the car to the repairman's house. Li Zeng, our live-in student, followed me in his car to bring me home. Directions to the house had been ambiguous, and Gloucester, Massachusetts gets the prize for town-easiest-to-get-lost-in. I prayed that I might not get lost--Li had to get to class, the repairman had to leave at 7:15.

I got lost, made a quick turn without checking to see that Li was still with me. He wasn't. "Lord, Li will be late for class, the man will leave in a few minutes--what shall I do?" It's a long story, but after a phone call I found the house, left the car, declined the man's kind offer to take me home because I wanted to find Li so he would not miss his class. How was I to find him? "Lord, help me." I stood at an intersection and prayed that he would come along--an absurd request in a place like Gloucester.

He'd been on a one-way street which would take him far out around the shore drive, with no reason to happen upon the intersection where I stood. Within five minutes there he was! God teaches us to ask so that He may answer our prayers. This reminds us of the source of our blessings. The answer to my prayer not to get lost was No--in order that I might be specially blessed in the way I was found.

Remember how the Lord brought Israel out (of Egypt) in order to bring them in (to Canaan)? He got me lost that He might get me found! Let's never forget that some of His greatest mercies are His refusals. He says no in order that He may, in some way we cannot imagine, say yes. All His ways with us are merciful. His meaning is always love.

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