Thursday, February 17, 2011

We choose to fight!

1 Timothy 6:11-12
But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Paul wrote a letter to Timothy to encourage him to flee away from false teaching and the love of money (amongst other things earlier in the letter). Even though these words were written centuries ago, God still uses them today to encourage the rest of us to continue on. Human nature hasn't changed much since those days. People are still greedy when it comes to possessions, money and trying to figure out life apart from Christ.

Why are we writing about this? As we get closer to the Technical Evaluation date for Mission Aviation Fellowship and start to whittle down our bible classes, medical checks, flight prep requirements and everything else that needs to get done; other things are popping up to try to discourage us from our calling and moving forward. Which is to be expected because the closer you get and the further you get to serving God, the enemy will fight THAT MUCH harder to discourage you and try to get you not to serve.

So... after being discouraged for a few days and questioning everything, we choose to fight. We believe that God has called us to use our abilities in aviation/computers and teaching in some arena for Him. Right now we are pursuing missions because we both feel this is the direction God is calling our family. We are content whatever the outcome of the tech eval because we know that if God tells us that MAF is not the route to go, we'll pray and search out where he wants us to use our talents. Just because He closes a door, doesn't mean he can't open others. We just faithfully fight for what we feel called to do and press on (See Phillipians 3:14) towards Christ no matter what things come our way that try to discourage us so that Christ be glorified through our faith.

We encourage all of you to keep fighting the good fight for what you feel called to do no matter what the enemy throws at you. Nothing is more important that serving Christ. Nothing. Reminds us of a saying we hear moms say from time to time,"I put you in this world, I can take you out!" While this is said in jest, it's really true when you think about it from Christ's angle. God brought us into this world, He can and will take us out. When that happens is determined by Him. So in the mean time it's very important to seek God and to follow Him with all your heart.(see Matthew 6:33) Things of the world will try to distract you, but if you follow Christ...things will fall into place according to His plan for your life.

That is what we are trying to do. It's easy to get distracted by money and other things. Instead of focusing on those unknown questions of the future, we focus on what we do know... Christ. If we focus on Christ then the rest of it will come into place in HIS timing, not ours. We just have to be obedient to listen and follow where He leads.

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